This blog can also be read in newspaper form in Pulse Niagara and Echo Weekly (Guelph, K-W) every Thursday.

I rank websites out of three w's:

www: good content, but the site lacks depth.
www: bookmark this check it weekly or bi-monthly
www: if this was your homepage, you'd be e-home by now.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

v. 1

My brain fart has exploded into a smelly gas of actuality.
think of the late '90s, when you had to be told of websites to visit.
AltaVista, Yahoo, Rocketmail, ICQ, etc...

These blogs/articles will serve to review websites both global, national, and local and give them a review out of three w's.

Www: interesting content, but no real reason to visit more than once in a while.
WWw: bookmark it! a good to great website that should be visited on a weekly/monthly basis.
WWW: if this was your homepage, you'd be home by now.

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