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Thursday, May 1, 2008

v. 4
Most of us already know and love the benefits of, either for “non-scholarly” research, to waste some time, learn about about practically anything, or even teach fellow internet dwellers something by editing pages. Well, now with Wikipedia Vision you can see how often anonymous edits are made, where in the world they are being made from and what exactly is being edited.
There’s about a five minute lag from when the edit is made to when it shows up as a red arrow on a default version of Google Maps. A bubble pops up with the location of the anonymous editor, and a link to what the editor just fixed on Wikipedia.
Now is the time to truly enjoy and witness the benefits of globalization. In just 10 minutes on the site, I watched a user in Althengstett, Germany edit a page on the town of Sutton, Nebraska, a city with the population of 1,447 people. And then there’s the anonymous editor in Denmark who wasn’t happy with rapper T.I.’s current Wiki–page, or the web user from Kalisz, Poland who has a wealth of knowledge about Michel Bublé.
Wikipedia Vision isn’t just a great time killer, but a great way to learn about a plethora of random information that may or may not be 100 percent correct.

When’s the last time you made a mix tape for somebody? When’s the last time you played an audio cassette tape in a yellow ‘Walkman’, or a ‘80s style boombox? Most likely the answer to both questions is either never, or at least five years ago. Well, the mixtape isn’t exactly back, but the idea has been updated to include the internet, and trade the ‘i’ in mixtape for a ‘u’. The idea is almost the same as a mixtape: illegally record a number of songs onto a tape to give to a friend, a loved one, or a future girlfriend. (“Thanks for stopping by!”) This futuristic muxtape does run into a couple of problems. According to the website’s terms of service, the legality of the site is questionable, as users are supposed to have full the rights to the song before it gets uploaded to their site, which is about as legal as tape making was back in the day. Similar to audio cassettes, muxtapes can only hold 12 songs and are streamed on the website and not available to download. Muxtape provides a link on each song so muxtapers can purchase the MP3 if they so wish. While users can rearrange the order of songs on their own muxtape, they aren’t able to crossfade or blend songs together, which would have been a nice touch.
Muxtape might not ever replace the mixtape or even a mix CD, but it is a neat little project that lets you make personalized mixes for friends, lovers, or the FCC.
Feel free to email me links for your own custom muxtapes and here’s a few interesting muxtapes that have been made by users online. (I have not made any of these muxtapes and have not broken any copyright laws. **edit: ok, i did make one of them....**)


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